Plot 1698 C & D Oyin Jolayemi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos
Mon - Fri : 08:00 - 17:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Usually asked questions from our customers

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of commonly asked questions and answers about the contributory pension scheme

What is this new scheme?

The new scheme is a contributory, fully funded, privately managed pension scheme that is based on individual accounts. It ensures that everyone who has worked receives his retirement benefits as and when due.

How does it work?

An employee contributes a percentage of his salary and the employer contributes a percentage of the employees salary towards the retirement benefits of the employee.

What will happen to the contribution?

The total contribution will be paid out by the employer directly to a Pension Assets Custodian (PAC) and will be managed and invested by the Pension Fund Administrator (PFA), of the employee’s choice.

What does fully funded mean?

It means that the amount contributed by the employer and employee is actually paid to a Custodian and invested by the Pension Fund Administrator. This gives the employee immediate ownership of his/her pension benefits.

What is a Pension Fund Administrator?

A Pension Fund Administrator is an entity licensed by the National Pension Commission (Commission) and charged with the responsibility of managing and investing the pension funds. Each employee is free to choose a PFA.

What is a Pension Assets Custodian?

The Pension Assets Custodian is an entity licensed by the National Pension Commission to hold pension assets in safe custody.

What minimum financial resources must a Pension Assets Custodian possess?

An applicant Custodian must be a licensed financial institution with a minimum net worth of N5,000,000,000 unimpaired by losses and has a total assets of N125,000,000,000 or is wholly owned by a licensed financial institution with similar financial resources. This is to ensure the safety of the funds considering the huge amount of funds to be warehoused by the Custodians.

How do I know which PFA to choose?

The Commission will have a schedule of all licensed PFAs, which will be made available to the public.

What is the difference between a PFA and a custodian?

The PFA manages the pension funds and decides which kind of investments to make while the Custodian holds the pension funds assets and acts to the order of the PFA.

Are pension contributions paid to the PFA?

No. The employer sends his contribution as well as the employee’s contribution directly to the Custodian.

How about individual accounts?

This is similar to a bank account. Every contributor will open Retirement Savings Account (RSA) with a Pension Fund Administrator of his choice. The PFA will be required to issue a statement of account at least once every quarter.

Can I switch PFAs?

Yes. The employee has the freedom to, not more than once a year, transfer his/her Retirement Savings Account (RSA) from one PFA to another.

What happens to my account when I change jobs?

Nothing happens. The accounts are portable and will remain with you for life. You simply notify your new employer of the PFA that manages your account and thereafter your contributions will be sent to its Custodian.

How much will I need to contribute?

A minimum of eight per cent of your monthly basic salary, housing and transport allowances except for the Military which requires two and one-half per cent.

Will this lead to a decrease in my salary?

No. You just save a part of your pay towards your old age and the employer contributes his portion.

How does this differ from the existing scheme?

The existing scheme in the public service is one of Defined Benefits. Pension payments are not regular and in some cases never made. The new scheme is a Defined Contribution Scheme, which ensures that pension payments are made monthly, just like salaries thereby making it more sustainable.

Will this involve everyone that works?

Yes, with the exception of existing pensioners, those who have 3 years or less to retire as well as categories of persons under S.291 of the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria. Employees in the private sector who are in employment in an organisation in which there are five or more employees are also covered.

What happens if a PFA fails?

Your savings will not be affected as the Pension Fund Custodian keeps the funds. Moreover, Pension Funds will be invested in a diversified portfolio of investments including Government Securities, Stocks and Real Estate.

Who is the regulator, and what is its role?

The National Pension Commission is charged with the regulation and supervision of the pension schemes as well as the powers to formulate, direct and oversee the overall policy on pension matters in Nigeria.

How will I benefit?

You have the assurance that your old age is well catered for and that in the event of death your family will have something to fall back on.

What is the difference between the defined benefit scheme and the defined contributory scheme?

Whereas the Defined Benefit pegs the amount a retiree could receive, the new scheme, based on Defined Contribution (DC), is a function of the level of an employee and employers contribution in addition to returns on investment. Under the DC, the pension is immediately funded as funds exist from the outset and payments will be made as and when due.

How can I be sure that my contributions are safe?

All those administering or holding pension funds will be properly licensed and continually regulated and supervised by the Commission. The Commission is empowered to sanction and if need be prosecute defaulting operators.

When will I have access to this money?

Upon either retirement or at the age of 50, whichever falls later.

How can I keep track of my investments?

Pension Fund Administrators will issue regular statements to employees. You can equally track the progress of your investment online.

When will I have access to this money?

Upon either retirement or at the age of 50, whichever falls later

Can I withdraw any portion of it?

Yes, upon the later of either retirement or reaching the age of 50, and then only to the extent that what is left is sufficient to guarantee that at least 50% of your last salary will be paid to you monthly through an annuity or a programmed withdrawal. If an employee retires before the age of 50 years in accordance with the terms and conditions of his employment or resigns voluntarily he or she may withdraw a lump sum of money not more than 25% of the amount standing to his credit of RSA provided that such withdrawals shall only be made after four months of retirement /resignation and the employee does not secure another employment

What is programmed withdrawal?

A programmed withdrawal is the method by which the employee collects his accumulated benefits in periodic sums for the length of an estimated life span.

What is an annuity?

An annuity is an income purchased from a licensed life insurance company approved by the Commission with monthly or quarterly payments during the lifetime of a retiree.

What is an annuity?

An annuity is an income purchased from a licensed life insurance company approved by the Commission with monthly or quarterly payments during the lifetime of a retiree.

What is the retirement age in the act?

The Act did not stipulate a Retirement Age. That is entirely dependant on each employees terms and conditions of service.

What is the minimum period required by an employee to qualify for pension under the act?

here is no minimum period required to qualify for pension as each employee has his individualized Retirement Savings Account. Withdrawal from the account is, however, limited to retirement according to an employees condition of service or attainment of the age of 50.

Who can I complain to if I am not satisfied?

The National Pension Commission.

What is the role of the government?

The government has set up a specialist Regulator of pension schemes and appointed the members of the board of the Regulator. Government will not temper with the savings, as it will not have access to them. In fact, the Government shall be primarily concerned with ensuring the safety of the savings through the establishment of the Commission.

How will the economy benefit?

There will be a huge pool of long-term funds available for investments, which will form a foundation for economic development.

What happens to the retirement benefits of an employee who is already under a pension scheme existing before the commencement of the Pension Reform Act 2004?

Employees right to accrued pension for past service is guaranteed by the Act. In the case of the Public Service of the Federation and Federal Capital Territory where the Scheme is unfunded, the right shall be acknowledged through a Federal Government Retirement Bond which shall be redeemed upon the retirement of the employee. In anticipation of the redemption of the Bond, the Federal Government shall establish a Retirement Benefits Bond Redemption Fund at the Central Bank of Nigeria into which it shall pay 5% of the total monthly wage payable to its employees on a monthly basis. However, in the case of funded schemes and the private sector, employers shall credit the Retirements Savings Accounts of its employees with any funds to which each employee is entitled to and in the event of a deficiency, the shortfall shall become a debt and be treated with the same priority as salaries owed. The employer shall also issue a written acknowledgement of the debt and take steps to meet the shortfall.

What will happen to existing private sector pensioners?

Pension Boards in Private Sector already in existence will continue to administer their pensions and the Commission will supervise them. Departments have also been created to carry out the functions of the relevant Pension Boards or offices in the Public Service to ensure regular and prompt payment of pension benefits.

Will private sector schemes continue to exist?

Yes, if they can show that the schemes are fully funded at all times and any shortfall is made up within 90 days. The pension funds and assets must be segregated from the assets of the Employer/Company and held by a licensed Custodian. The employer must have also effectively managed pension fund assets for at least 5 years before the commencement of the Act, and have met certain criteria set by the Commission

What is a closed PFA?

It is similar to a licensed PFA, except that it is for a particular pension scheme. Employers managing pension fund assets of N500,000,000 and above may apply to the Commission for a closed PFA license to enable them to administer their own schemes.

What if my scheme have less than 500,000,000 pension fund assets? Can i still keep it?

Yes, you can still maintain the scheme but it will have to be administered by a PFA.

Is the scheme optional?

Not for those contemplated by the law. It is only those that are exempted by law that have a choice as to whether or not to join.

Will gratuity be paid under the new scheme?

Yes, but under different arrangement. A retiree can draw a lump sum from the balance of his Retirement Savings Account provided the balance after the withdrawal could provide an annuity or fund monthly payments that would not be less than 50% of his monthly pay as at the date of his retirement. The employer may pay gratuity over and above the Scheme payments

Will inflation and devaluation not erode the value of the contributions?

The job of the PFAs is to administer the contributions and invest in such a manner that will safely ensure reasonable returns. Furthermore, the Commission would ensure prudent management of pension assets through supervision and regulation. In addition, the different layers of compensation provided would outperform such erosion if they occur

What is the minimum value of pension guaranteed by the new scheme?

The value of the minimum pension guarantee is to be determined from time to time by Commission.

What is the guarantee that the accruals in the new scheme will be well managed and not diverted to other ends?

The functions of the PFA and Custodian are so clearly delineated that it is difficult for either to misuse the pension funds and assets to the detriment of the contributor. Further more, the Commission would be unrelenting in protecting contributors fund through effective regulation and supervision of the PFAs and Custodians.

Some persons consider that the composition of the proposed national pension commission is dominated by government appointees. Is there adequate provision for good representation of all stakeholders on the commission.

Yes. In addition to the government representatives, other stakeholders such as Labour, the Nigerian Union of Pensioners, and the Nigerian Employers Consultative Association are also members of the Commission.

Transparency, accountability and good governance are prerequisites for a thriving and effective administration of pension funds. Does the act reflect the application of these principles??

Yes. The new scheme entrenches the principles of good governance. The scheme would be regulated and supervised by an independent Commission and would be managed by private sector operators. An employee can choose who manages his Retirement Savings Account including receiving a statement of his account quarterly with details of contributions made and returns on investment.

Why establish the independent PFAs rather than allow existing financial institutions with proven experience in pension funds management to apply for license from the commission?

The safety of the pension funds is paramount. It is, therefore, imperative that the operators are single purpose vehicles dealing with pension funds management and investment only. It also ensures that the PFAs do not mix pension matters with other businesses, as this will hinder effective regulation and supervision

How is NSITF affected?

NSITF shall establish a PFA, which will manage Pension Funds and will continue to provide services other than pension to the nation. It will also be regulated and supervised by the Commission. NATIONAL PENSION COMMISSION JULY 2004

Joining & Contributing

What makes up my contribution?

Ideally, and as captured in the Pension Reform Act, 2014 (PRA), your total monthly contribution to your Retirement Savings Account (RSA) is made up of two (2) parts: a deduction from your salary/allowances, as well as a contribution by your Employer.
The PRA dictates that the sum of these contributions should be at least 18% of the sum of your basic, housing and transport allowances. Employee contributes maximum of 8% while employer contributes minimum of 10%.

How does Veritas Glanvills Pensions receive my contribution?

Upon deduction from your salary/allowance, your employer will send the total contribution to our Pension Fund Custodian (PFC) –First Pension Custodian in this instance, who will, in turn, notify us. These remittances MUST be accompanied with a schedule detailing the beneficiaries of the funds and the proportions contributed by the employer & employee, respectively.
To speed up the process of crediting contributions into your RSA, it is always advisable that your employer notifies us by sending us a copy of the deposit/remittance slip and a matching schedule of contributors.

What are the fees involved in the management of my RSA?

The charges, as stipulated by the National Pension Commission (PENCOM) amounts in aggregate to 2.25% of the net asset value, and is split 3 ways between the PFA, the PFC and PENCOM.

How can I monitor my contributions/RSA?

In addition to the instant SMS when your contribution is credited into your RSA, PENCOM regulation mandates us to send quarterly statements of accounts to all contributors. At Veritas Glanvills Pensions, we have created even more innovative ways for you to be actively involved in the monitoring of your RSA.
Whether by mobile phone text messages, email, online or just walking into any of our numerous offices and outlets across the country, Veritas Glanvills Pensions has made it easy to follow the activities in your RSA.
Please visit for the various ways to check your balances online and via text messages.

What if my employer deducts my contributions and does not remit?

While this is not the norm, should it occur, we encourage you to immediately bring it to the notice of the PFA with evidence of deduction (which should be your pay slip). In the remote instance that the PFA is unable to resolve this, PENCOM encourages that we escalate same to them for a resolution

What additional contributions may I participate in?

As a Pension Fund Administrator, PENCOM only permits us to receive funds for investment/management from clients two ways: the Retirement Savings Contribution and the Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC).
The Additional Voluntary Contribution, as the name implies, allows the contributor to put aside additional monies towards his/her retirement, and/or other short to medium-term savings needs. As one of its unique features, the AVC can also act as a ‘target’ savings account, as it allows tax-free access (subject to a 5-year minimum contribution term), to the contributed sum.
Remittance for AVC should be made by your employer.

Fund Management

How is my RSA managed, and what is a Fund Price?

Ideally, and as captured in the Pension Reform Act, 2014 (PRA), your total monthly contribution to your Retirement Savings Account (RSA) is made up of two (2) parts: a deduction from your salary/allowances, as well as a contribution by your Employer.
The PRA dictates that the sum of these contributions should be at least 18% of the sum of your basic, housing and transport allowances. Employee contributes maximum of 8% while employer contributes minimum of 10%

How is my fund invested?

There are different asset classes permissible for investment within the RSA Fund, as stipulated by PENCOM guidelines. Based on our view of the economy, various financial markets, investment objective of the RSA Fund, as well as other considerations, we invest in a mix of asset classes, and make adjustments over time as the need arises. This we do in compliance to regulations.

Can I determine how my fund is invested?

No, you cannot currently determine specific assets to be bought because your contributions are pooled into one Fund designed to preserve capital.
However, there are plans by PENCOM to introduce a “4-fund” (comprising four distinct types of funds) structure which will allow contributors invest in funds that reflect their risk appetite and ethical profile. The four funds will have structures reflecting a balanced fund, aggressive fund,
conservative fund & Ethical fund. We will provide further information on this as progress is made by the Regulator in this regard

Are there guidelines for the investment process/decisions?

Yes. In addition to each PFA having a mandatory Investment Committee, PENCOM has also set out required investment guidelines for ALL PFAs.
The guidelines, as well as the respective committees, are regularly monitored by PENCOM for relevance and adherence. PFAs are required to send a Daily Valuation of their investment portfolio to PENCOM.
In addition, Veritas Glanvills Pensions has internal investment guidelines to complement the guidelines from PENCOM.

Fund Management

What do I need to put in place for seamless Benefits payments?

Depending on the payment type and the ultimate beneficiary, there are different sets of documents that the PFA needs to process through PENCOM before payment is made.
The different payment/Benefit types are:-
  • 25% Payment– for those who left or lost their jobs before age 50
  • En-bloc Payment– for those who are over 50 but have less than N550, 000.00 in their RSA
  • Lump sum and Programmed Withdrawal– for those over 50 years and have more than N550, 000.00
  • Payment to the Beneficiary of a Deceased/Missing RSA holder
  • Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC)
  • Pre-Scheme –for those who accumulated pension contributions before 2004
  • NSITF – for those who made contributions under NSITF or NPF
  • Owing to its detailed nature, the Benefit types and required documents (as well as other issued and regularly updated guidelines) are hosted on the Regulator’s website It is critical that you take out time to study the relevant requirements and arrange to provide these documents in ample time to make the process as seamless as possible for you and/or your beneficiaries.

What is the mode of benefits payment?

Payments can only be made into designated bank accounts.

Can I calculate my expected bulk & monthly/quarterly payments?

Unlike the old scheme, the new scheme does not have a tabulated benefit schedule. However, as the amount to be paid is dependent on: 1) Retiree Account Balance; (2) Retiree Age; (3) Retiree Gender; and (4) Details of retiree’s last salary, these variables will be plugged into a PENCOM template driven by mortality and interest rates. The resulting lump sum must be between 25% and 50% of the total sum of benefits accruing to RSA holder.

How much longer after retirement can I expect these payments?

The expected number of years is only used for the purpose of lump sum and programmed withdrawal calculations. By regulation, for a male of 60 years, this is 18; and for a female of same age, it is 20.
However, and irrespective of the number of years used, as we continue to judiciously manage the funds, our experience is that there are sufficient funds to meet payments well after these years.

In the case of death, what will be the benefits due to my next of kin?

It is the en-bloc payment of:
1. Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy/Group Life (if RSA holder was still in employment)
2. Accumulated contributions in the RSA (plus income)
3. Deceased’s Accrued Rights (Public Sector)
4. Deceased’s Outstanding Contributions (if any)

How do I ensure my benefits are paid to the intended beneficiary?

It is always important that you review the information with your PFA as regularly as possible. Ensure your next of kin’s details are correct, and always reflect your true preference, as this is the person your PFA will contact in the event of your demise to provide relevant documents for accessing your RSA in line with the law on administration of a Deceased Person’s Estate.
In addition, it is always advised that the RSA holder prepares and registers a will. This is important as the Probate Registry may appoint an Administrator at variance with the holder’s desire upon death if there is no registered will in place.
Getting Access to my RSA
1.) Staff to customer interfacing
2.) Web site facilities
3.) Text message facilities
4.) Statement of account deliveries
5.) Responses to questions during customer interactive sessions

If the retiree is below 50 years of age and has been disengaged or terminated from place of work ?

He/she is entitled to apply for 25% of his/her total RSA Balance, six months from the time of termination/disengagement provided he has been unable to secure another job. The following documentations are required for this are as follows

1. Copy of Exit letter
2. Birth certificate/Declaration of age
3. Last payslip
4. Completed Standard Notice of Retirement Form
5. RSA statement of account,
6. Confirmation Letter from employer
7. Personal letter of request

If the Retiree is above 50 years with a balance of #550,000.00 or below

He/she is entitled to an enbloc withdrawal of the total balance of his RSA account. The following documentations are required for this are as follows

1. Copy of Exit letter
2. Birth certificate/Declaration of age
3. Last payslip
4. Completed Standard Notice of Retirement Form
5. RSA statement of account,
6. Confirmation Letter from employer
7. Personal letter of request

Once all the documentation is received on any of the applications, the request is sent to PENCOM with all earlier mentioned requirements.

If the retiree is above 50 years with a balance of above #550,000.00

He/she is entitled to a Lumpsum arrears and subsequent monthly pension’s withdrawal. The following documentations are required for this are as follows

1. Copy of Exit letter
2. Birth certificate/Declaration of age
3. Last payslip
4. Completed Standard Notice of Retirement Form
5. RSA statement of account,
6. Confirmation Letter from employer
7. Personal letter of request

Once all the documentation is received on any of the applications, the request is sent to PENCOM with all earlier mentioned requirements. Please note that NSITF details can be added for processing

Statutory Group Life Insurance under the Contributory Pension Scheme

Group life insurance policy is an insurance arrangement that provides for the family of a policy holder if he dies during the policy tenure which is a year and renewable thereafter. The advantage is that a life insurance policy will help to ensure that your dependents have adequate funds when you are no longer around to care for them.


Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money which is the benefits upon the death of the insured person. In Nigeria, there are two categories of life insurance and this includes individual life and group life insurance. Factors that distinguish group life insurance from individual insurance policies include guaranteed coverage amounts. Individual life insurance generally is underwritten taking into account the actuarial risk of death of the individual being insured. This is one person and one policy type of coverage. Meanwhile, group life insurance is typically offered as a benefit through your employer.

What established the Group Life Assurance Scheme under the Contributory Pension Scheme?

In accordance with the provisions of Section 9(3) of the Pension Reform Act (PRA) 2004 and Section 5.5 of the guidelines for Life Insurance Policy for employees, employers of labour covered by the PRA are required to submit copies of the Insurance Certificates and schedule of benefits to the National Pension Commission and Pension Fund Administrators (PFA) where the employees maintain their Retirement Savings Accounts

What bears the cost?

In Nigeria, group policies under the Pension Reform Act 2004 offer three times an employee annual salary in coverage. The Pension Reform Act 2004 Section 9 made it mandatory for all employer of labour with five or more employees to establish and maintain a life insurance policy for their employees at a minimum amount three times their annual total emolument. Group life assurance can also be arranged by clubs and association for the benefit of the dependant of their members and covers death only by any means. However, a group life assurance scheme is an annual contract and can offer in the event of an employee’s death while they are on the pay roll of an organization a multiple of salary or a lump sum benefit to the employee family and dependent

Where does proceed go to?

In the eventual death of a policy holder the proceeds from the group life assurance policy is to be remitted by the employer of the deceased into his RSA from where it is to be disbursed together with other contribution in the deceased RSA to the family of the deceased this is in accordance with National Pensions Commissions stipulation regarding payment of death benefit

What is the multi fund structure?

The Multi-Fund structure is a framework that contains four funds class. The current RSA Fund will be sub-divided into three separate Funds, while the RSA Retirees Fund would be the 4th Fund. RSA holders are assigned to groups based on their age and risk profile.

Are there differences between the 4 Funds?

Yes. The respective funds differ based on their overall exposure to variable income instruments such as equities (that is, Ordinary Shares) and the age profile of the members.

What are variable income instruments?

Variable income instruments is defined as the sum of a PFA’s investments in Ordinary Shares and participation units of Open Close-ended and Hybrid Funds; Real Estate Investment Trust; Infrastructure Funds; and Private Equity Funds comprising its current holdings and any future financial commitments to the acquisition of participation units in these Funds. These categories of investments have potentials to generate high returns over the long term but could be risky owing to uncertainty and fluctuations in market prices and returns

Why should age and risk profile determine how my pension funds should be invested?

There is what is called “Risk Tolerance”. Everyone has a limit to the amount of risk that they can take and the amount of uncertainty they can handle. Typically, younger people tend to have more capacity for risk because they still have time to recover from loses (if any). Once a person is nearing retirement, it is advisable that they limit the amount of risks they take and reduce exposure to uncertainty as they would start drawing down on their pensions within a short period.

Consequently, the allowable exposures to variable income instruments have been designed such that Fund I has the highest allowable limit, followed by Fund II, III and IV respectively. This reduces the risk and uncertainty of contributors in line with their ages

Can I decide which Fund Type to be assigned to?

Yes. On the day of commencement, Multi-fund Structure, contributors are allowed to choose the Type of Fund in which they desire to be. However, the following rules shall apply:

  1. An active Contributor in Fund II who wishes to be assigned to Fund I shall make a formal request to the PFA.
  2. An active Contributor in Fund III who wishes to be assigned to Fund II shall make a formal request to the PFA.
    iii. An RSA Retiree or active Contributor who is 50 years and above shall not be allowed to choose Fund I.

However, a default mechanism shall first apply. According to the default mechanism, all active contributors that are 49 years and below would be placed in Fund II while active contributors that are 50 years and above would be placed in Fund III and Membership of Fund I shall strictly be by formal request by a Contributor

How often can i move between Fund Types?

An active contributor may switch from one Fund type to another Fund type within a PFA, once in 12 months without paying any fees (subject to a formal application). Any additional requests for switches among Funds within a 12 month period by the active Contributor shall attract a fee, of an amount not less than a minimum value, to be determined by PenCom from time to time

What is/are the requirement(s) for switching from one fund type to another?

A formal request must be submitted by the contributor to his or her PFA.

What are the impact on my pension balance when my PFA moves into the multi-fund structure?

None. The balance in your RSA will not change due to the movement to the multi-fund structure because the entire balance would be moved to the appropriate fund without charges

Can i request for my choice fund class immediately

No, PenCom is yet to provide the operational framework to guide the transition to the Multi-Fund structure. Once the framework is released, there will be proper guidance regarding when contributors can be assigned based on the default age classification. Contributors will subsequently have the option to be assigned to a Fund of their choice depending on their risk tolerance

Are there any benefits in this multi-fund structure?

An active contributor may switch from one Fund type to another Fund type within a Yes. The new structure allows RSA holders more control over how their pension funds are invested based on their risk tolerance. For instance, an RSA holder in Fund III owing to the default classification based on age may have more tolerance for risks and uncertainty and could opt to be assigned to Fund II.

Will the RSA fund and VC fund have separate fund price or the same?

The RSA and VC will have the same fund price because they will be invested in the same fund the contributor selects

What impacts does Multi Fund Structure have on my future pension assets at the point of retirement?

The Multi-Fund structure provides more alignment between your retirement goals, risk appetite and age. Consequently, there will be a better chance for your pension assets to meet your expectations when you retire

With the new multi-fund structure, can i be given the option to choose which specific variable income instruments my funds can be invested in?

No, the regulation only allows contributors to select a Fund, but the PFAs would continue to have the responsibility of selecting the specific instruments that the Funds would be invested in.

What impacts does the Multi-Fund structure have on my future pension assets at my point of retirement?

The Multi-Fund structure provides more alignment between your retirement goals, risk appetite and age. Consequently, there will be a better chance for your pension assets to meet your expectations when you retire

What is Pension?

Pension is a regular income received by a person at retirement when he/she stopped working because of having reached a certain age or based on health condition in order to cater for his/her needs at old age.

What is Micro pension Plan?

Micro Pension Plan refers to an arrangement under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) that allows the self-employed and persons working in organizations with less than three (3) employees to make financial contributions towards the provision of pension at their retirement or incapacitation.

Why Micro Pension?

Micro Pension guarantees secured future through steady income at retirement. It reduces old age poverty and the process is easy, simple and flexible.

Has the Micro Pension been successful in other countries?

Yes, Micro Pension Plan has been successful in countries like Ghana, Kenya and India

Is the mandatory Contribution Pension Scheme different from the Micro Pension Plan??

The mandatory pension and Micro Pension Plan are arrangements under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS). The only difference between the two is the nature of participation. Thus, the mandatory pension is obligatory for all eligible employees and both the employer/employee contribute towards the payment of the employee’s pension at retirement. Micro Pension on the other hand is voluntary and solely funded by the contributor

Who can participate in the Micro-Pension plan?

A micro Pension Prospect must;

a) Be a Nigerian, not below 18 years of age;
b) Have a legitimate source of income;
c) Belongs to trade/association/profession; and
d) May be self-employed or an employee of an organization with less than three employees with or without a formal employment contract

Can one have more than one Retirement Savings Account?

No. A contributor can only have one Retirement Savings Account (RSA) in his/her lifetime

Can an individual in the formal sector who already has an RSA also participate in the Micro pension plan?

No. An individual who is contributing under the mandatory pension arrangement cannot participate in the Micro Pension Plan.

How do i register/enroll for Micro pension plan?

An eligible Micro Pension contributor can enroll/register through any Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) of his/her choice, obtain and complete the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) Opening Form either physically or electronically. A unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) would be issued to the registered contributor

Where do i locate the PFA of my choice?

The detailed list and addresses of all Licensed Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) can be accessed via National Pension Commission’s website

Who will manage and keep custody of funds under the Micro pension plan??

The Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) manages and invests funds accumulated under Micro Pension Plan on behalf of the contributor, while the Pension Fund Custodian (PFC) keeps the fund and assets in safe custody.

What measures have been put in place by National Pension Commission to safeguard the funds under Micro pension plan?

There is effective monitoring and supervision of the Plan by the Commission through daily monitoring of the Plan asset and investment decisions made by Pension Fund Administrators to ensure that their decisions are in line with relevant laws and Investment Regulations issued by the Commission.

Is there a provision for the guarantee of the safety of plan asset under the Micro pension plan ?

Yes. The Pension Fund Custodian (PFC) has provided full guarantee of the total pension assets under its custody. Thus, any kobo lost will be refunded by the Custodian.

Do contributions in the Micro Pensions Retirement Savings Account generate income?

Yes. PFAs invest all pension contributions and all income from such investment activities are credited into the RSA of the contributor.

Would my contribution under the Micro pension Plan be subject to any tax?

No. Subject to Regulations issued by the Commission, all interests, dividends, profits, investments and other income accrued to Micro Pension Fund and assets are not taxable.

Can i decide which financial instruments my contributions should be structured in?

No. Investment decisions are made by the Pension Fund Administrators in line with Investment Regulations issued by the National Pension Commission.

Is the micropension plan different from a savings account maintained with a Commercial Bank??

Yes. Micro Pension Plan is different from savings account maintained with a Commercial Bank because any savings made under the plan can only be withdrawn as monthly pension after retirement. On the other hand, savings made with Commercial Banks can be withdrawn anytime as the need arises.

What is the minimum amount of contribution acceptable under the Micropension plan?

There is no stipulated minimum amount of contribution under the Micro Pension Plan because it is dependent on the Contributor’s pension aspiration and financial capacity. Thus, higher contributions will result in more money available for pension.

How often can one contribute under the Micropension plan?

Contributions can be made daily, weekly, monthly or as may be convenient to the contributor and shall be subject to reporting requirements under the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act.

How can i make contributions under the Micro pensions plan?

Contribution under the Micro Pension Plan can be made by cash deposit or electronic transfer through any payment platform, or other financial service agents approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Can a contributor use his Micropension plan account as a collateral for a loan??

No. Micro Pension Plan account cannot be used as collateral for a loan.

Can a contributor access an amount from his RSA in excess of his Micropension Plan Account balance and repay over a period?

No. A Contributor cannot access an amount in excess of his/her Micro Pension Plan account balance because the Pension Reform Act 2014 prohibits such transaction

How do i access my RSA under the Micropension Plan?

A contributor can access the balance in his/her RSA through two means namely; Contingent withdrawal and Retirement benefit withdrawal

What is Contingent Withdrawal?

It is the withdrawal of that portion of the RSA balance (contributions plus returns on investment) made available for withdrawal to ease financial pressures or needs of the Micro Pension contributor before his/her retirement

What is Retirement Withdrawal?

It is the withdrawal of that portion of the RSA balance that the Micro Pension Contributor shall be eligible to access as monthly pension upon retirement in accordance with the Regulation for the Administration of Retirement and Terminal Benefits.

How do i withdraw my contingent portion?

A Micro Pension Contributor can withdraw an amount from his/her contingent portion by applying to his/her Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) in a prescribed format

For how long will an individual contribute before he/she can access the contingent portion?

A Micro Pension Contributor shall be eligible to access the contingent portion of the balance of his/her RSA three (3) months after making the initial contribution. Subsequently, he/she can make withdrawals once in a week, from the balance of the contingent portion of the RSA

How long does it take to receive payment from my contingent contribution?

The Pension Fund Administrator is mandated to approve and pay the amount requested from the contingent portion within 48 hours of application for withdrawal

What happens if the Micro pension contributor gets a formal employment?

The Micro Pension Contributor who secures a formal employment shall notify his/her PFA for conversion into the mandatory pension. The Micro Pension contributor shall also retain his/her existing RSA to be used for the mandatory pension

What is retirement age of Micro pension contributor?

A Micro Pension Contributor shall retire upon attaining the age of 50 years or on health grounds. However, a Micro Pension Contributor can choose to extend his retirement age beyond 50 years.

How do i access my contributions after retirement?

A Micro Pension contributor shall, upon retirement, access his/her retirement benefits through either Programmed Withdrawal or Life Annuity

What is Programmed withdrawal?

Programmed withdrawal is a mode of benefits withdrawal by which a Micro Pension retiree receives pension through his Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) on a periodic basis, i.e monthly or quarterly.

What is Annuity?

Annuity is a method of receiving pension by a retiree through a contract purchased from a Life Insurance Company. It provides a guaranteed periodic income (pension) to a retiree throughout his/her life after retirement.

What is the length of the Annuity Guaranteed Period?

The Retiree Life Annuity is guaranteed for 10 years. Thus, if a retiree dies before 10 years, the balance of the equivalent monthly pension to complete the remaining period up to 10 years would be paid to his/her beneficiaries. Where the retiree dies after the guaranteed ten years period, nothing would be paid to the beneficiaries.

What happens to the balance in the Micropension Contributor's RSA in the event of death?

The balance in a Micro Pension Contributor’s RSA shall, in the event of death, be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased/contributor as may be appointed by a Will or Letter of Administration granted by a Probate Registry or as may be directed by a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of residence of the deceased contributor, as the case may be.

Can i participate in the Micropension plan upon retirement from my job in the formal sector?

No. Micro Pension Plan only allows for conversion from Micro Pension Plan to the Mandatory Contributory Pension

Wetin be Pension?

Pension na money wey dey show face all the time wey pesin dey collect for retirement when pesin no dey work again sake of say im don reach age where persin no suppose work again or unto say pesin bodi no too well so na the pension money go fit helep the pesin solve problems when he don come old.

Wetin be Micro Pension Plan?

Micro Pension Plan na one arrangement wey dey under Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) wey dey allow pesin wey dey work for himsef and dos wey dey work for company wey no get reach three (3) workers to fit dey do esusu (contribute money) ontop make dem fit touchlight pension mata wen dem retire or no fit to work again sake of wahala.

Why e be say na Micropension plan?

Micro Pension dey helep give pesin tomorrow and na sure banker e be sake of confirm money wey go dey show face wen man pikin don retire. E dey comot stories wey dey touch heart say money no dey wen pesin don old, the waka dey easy, simple and dem fit to do am as person kari want.

Hope say dis Micropension plan don work well for other countries dem??

Yes o, Micro Pension Plan dey work well-well for countries like Ghana, Kenya join with India se.

Shey the compulsory contributory pension scheme dey different from the Micropension plan??

The compulsory pension join Micro Pension Plan na package wey dey under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS). The only difference wey dey inside two of dem na the level of dos wey follow dey inside. Wey be say, the compulsory pension na by force for all dos wey be confirm workers and the pesin wey put dem for work/workers dey follow contribute money unto money wey the worker go collect wey be pension when him don retire. Micro Pension for the other side na as you kari want am sake of say dem no dey by force pesin put for dis one and na only who dey contribute am go follow put money for dis one.

Who fit to follow for the Micropension plan?

Pesin weyfit follow dis Micro Pension plan suppose:

a) Come from Nigeria, and suppose don pass 18 years for age mata;
b) Get correct level wey e dey take make money wey law sabi;
c) Follow for market/joinbodi/profession; plus
d) Fit get im own work or dey follow work for kompany wey no get reach three workers wey get or even no get official employment contract..

Person fit fit to get pass one Retirement Saving Account?

No. Contributor fit only get one Retirement Savings Account (RSA) wen e dey alive.

Shey person wey dey office parole wey don already get RSA follow shook hand for Micropension plan??

No. Pesin wey dey put money under the compulsory pension arrangement no fit to follow for inside Micro Pension Plan

How i fit register for the Micropension plan?

Pesin wey don reach to enter dis Micro Pension contributor fit to enter/register through any Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) wey dey hungry am, collect and com complete the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) Opening Form whether for paper or unto computer levels. One ogboge number wey be Personal Identification Number (PIN) na im dem go kari give the contributor wey don register so.

Where i fit to get PFA wey i like?

All correct informate as e take concern dem list join for address of all Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) wey dem don approve for dis waka na im pesin fit to get from National Pension Com m ission 1s website wey be

Who go manage and keep all the money wey go don show under the Micro pension plan mata??

Na Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) dey manage plus even invest the money wey go don show face under Micro Pension Plan for pesin wey dey contribute side, when na the Pension Fund Custodian (PFC) dey keep the money plus property dem unto correct side.

I fit decide which kain financial package dem fit use my contribution kari invest put?

No. Na Pension Fund Administrators fit to decide where to kari the investments put as the levels wey concern Investment Regulations wey National Pension Commission put for ground

Hope say dem kno go comot tax money from money wey i dey follow contribute under Micropension plan?

No. As to work wey the Commission get, All interests, dividends, profits, investments and other money wey suppose enter Micro Pension Fund and im property dem no go fit comot tax ontop dis mata atall.

Shey money wey i follow contribute for inside Micropension RSA dey make profit?

Yes. PFAs dey invest all the pension contributions and all the profit wey show from dis kai investment waka dem go kari am put inside the RSA of the pesin wey contribute am

Shey package dey wey go helep make property dey safe under wetin follow for Micropension plan?

Yes. The Pension Fund Custodian (PFC) don provide correct full protection for all the pensions property wey dey under im umbrella. Na im be say any kobo wey throway na Custodian dem go return am sharperly to avoid stories.

Wetin be dos things wey dem National Pension Commission don put on ground to helep protect money wella under Micropension plan mata? ?

Correct checkmate mata plus security wey pure na im follow the plan wey the Commission dey kari out through everyday monitoring of the Plan well well join with the investment plan wey Pension Fund Administrators don make to see say dem plans waka join with laws wey concern the mata and Investment runs wey the Commission dey do.

Shey micropension plan dey different from Savings account wey i dey maintain for commercial Bank side??

Yes. Micro Pension Plan dey different from savings account wey pesin get with Commercial Bank sake of say any savings wey dey under dis plan na only for when month end dem fit to withdraw am as monthly pension after retirement. For the other levels, savings wey pesin get with Commercial Bank dem, e fit to go withdraw am anytime wey im want.

Shey contributor fit to collect money from him RSA for him Micropension plan account balance to fit pay back after some time?

No. Contributor no go fit touch any money for the mata wey concern him/her Micro Pension Plan account balance sake of say Pension Reform Act 2014 no gree for dis kind business

Shey person fit to use him Micropension plan Account take stand collect loan?

No. Dem no fit kari Micro Pension Plan account kari stand to go borrow or collect loan.

How i fit carry dey contribute under the Micropension plan?

Contribution under the Micro Pension Plan fit to be thru cash deposit or electronic transfer wey fit to shele for any payment level, or other financial service agents wey Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) approve for dis mata.

How person fit carry him money dey contribute under the Micropension Plan?

Contribution fit be everyday, weekly mata, or every month or even as e take easy for pesin wey wan dey contribute and e go follow dey under reporting yans wey follow for Money Laundering Prohibition Act.

Wetin be the smallest money wey dem fit allow person to contribute under Micropension plan?

E no get amount wey small pass wey dem fix put under the Micro Pension Plan sake of say na pesin wey wan contribute sabi wetin dey hungry am onto pension mata and how e pocket kari be. Contribution wey plenty go surely mean say plenty money go follow show face for pension later later.

Shey person fit to use him Micropension plan Account take stand collect loan?

No. Dem no fit kari Micro Pension Plan account kari stand to go borrow or collect loan.

How i fit take collect my money from my RSA under Micropension plan??

Contributor fit to collect balance wey dey im RSA for two ways wey be, Contingent withdrawal and Retirement benefit withdrawal..

Wetin be Contingent withdrawal?

Dis na the withdrawal wey concern RSA balance (wey be contributions plus gains wey show from investment) wey dem allow unto withdrawal mata to fit sort money palaver or wetin the Micro Pension contributor fit need sharp money for before him/her go retire

Person wey follow contribute ontop Micropension fit to withdraw one money like that from him/her contingent as e kari for him/her PFA as e suppose kari be?

Na the withdrawal of the levels wey follow RSA balance wey pesin for Micro Pension plan fit to fit collect as monthly pension when e don retire as e kari be for the Administration of Retirement and Terminal Benefits mata.

How i fit kari withdraw my contingent portion?

Pesin wey follow dey contribute ontop Micro Pension fit to withdraw one money like dat from him/her contingent portion as e kari apply to him/her Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) as e suppose kari be.

How long person go carry dey contribute before person go fit get the contigent portion mata?

Pesin wey be Contributor on top Micro Pension mata fit to get chance torchlight the one wey be contingent portion of the balance of him/her RSA three (3) months after e don first begin to dey contribute. Later later so, e fit to dey comot money from am once for one week, from the money wey remain from the contingent portion of the RSA

How long e go take before i go start dey get money from my contingent contribution?

Na Pension Fund Administrator dem give power to fit approve and pay the amount wey dem need from the contingent portion inside 48 hours wey the pesin kari write say e wan dey withdraw

Wetin go come happen if the Micropension contributor come get office work??

The Micro Pension Contributor wey don get office work go let im PFA sabi, make dem fit change im former levels kari am enter mandatory pension sid e. The Micro Pension contributor go still maintain im before-before RSA for the mandatory pension own.

Wetin be the retirement age for the person wey be Micro pension contributor?

Micro Pension Contributor go retire when e enter age 50 or ontop health mata. Ase kari be, Micro Pension Contributor fit decide to kari him retirement age pass 50 years.

How i fit begin get my contributions after i don retire?

Micro Pension contributor go, after retirement, begin to dey get im retirement benefits (betament) whether na thru Programmed Withdrawal or Life Annuity.

Wetin be programmed withdrawal?

Programmed withdrawal na one level of benefits withdrawal wey be say pesin wey be Micro Pension retiree go fit to collect im pension thru him Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) ontop how e kari want am,
i.e fit to be monthly or once for every three (3) months

Wetin be Annuity?

Annuity na package wey dem dey kari take collect pension by pesin wey don retire wey be retiree thru contract wey im buy from one Life Insurance Company. Edey give confirm surebanker money (wey be pension) kari giv pesin wey don retire thru-out him/her life after e don retire finish

How the Annuity Guarantee time kari long reach?

The Retiree Life Annuity kari guarantee of 10 years join bodi. Wey be say, if pesin wey don retire die before 10 years go reach, the balance of the same amount wey be im monthly pension wey remain to complete the remaining period go reach 10 years na im dem go kari pay giv dos wey remain for am as per im people dem. Where pesin wey retiree come die after the guarantee ten years period, dem no go kari anything give dos wey remain for am.

Wetin i fit follow for the Micropension plan do after i don retire from my job for office levels ?

No. Micro Pension Plan dey only allow make pesin comot from Micro Pension Plan kari enter the Mandatory Contributory Pension.

Kini owo ifeyinti?

Owo ifeyinti je owo ti a maa n san fun eni ti o ti feyinti lenu ise loorekoore laitase nigba ti iru eni bee ba ti sise fun iye odun to peye labe ofin tabi ti ojo ori re ba ti de ipele ifeyinti tabi ti ailera ba pe iru eni bee n1ija ti ko si Iese ise mo

Kini an pe ni ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje je ona ti awon onise aladani tabi awon ti won n sise ni ile ise ti osise ibe ko to meta le gba kopa ninu Ilana ifeyinti olorananyan ajoda laaarin osise ati agbanisise ti ijoba apaapo oriile ede yii seto fun awon osiise. Eto yii maa n je ko rorun fun osiise lati ri owo ifeyinti gba nigba ti o ba feyin ti lenu ise tabi tiara re ko mokun mo

Eredi ilana idawo si apo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Eto yii fi ni l1okan bale pupo, paapaa julo n1igba ojo ogbo, tori pe ni geerege ni owo lfeyinti yoo maa wole si apo eni ti o feyin ti l1enu ise. Eto yii r1orun pupo, ko nira, ko si dojuru rara.

Nje ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ti ni aseyori ni oriile ede miiran?

Bee ni, liana lfeyinti Onipele kereje yii ti yori si rere ni awon oriile ede miiran bii Ghana, Kenya ati India.

lyato wo lo wa ninu eto idawo owo ifeyinti olorananyan ajoda laaarin agbanisise ati osise ati ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje yii?

Abe isakoso eto ldawo laaarin agbanisise ati osise ni mejeeji wa. lyato t’o wa ninu mejeeji dale irufe ikopa t’o wa ninu mejeeji. Aigbodo ma se ni eto ikini je fun gbogbo osise.Osise ati agbanisise ti o kun oju osuwongbodo dawo si apo owo naa,ki osise le ri owo gba ti o ba feyinti tan.Sugbon ni ti Ilana ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje( Micro Pension Plan),ki i se orananyan,’wo-fun ni itelorun ni,eni ti on dawo nikan lo kan

lru eeyan wo lo le kopa ninu eto ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje eto?

Eni ti o n dawo s’apo Ilana ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje. O gbodo je:

a) Omo orile ede Nigeria ti ojo ori re ko din ni odun mejidinlogun (18 years);
b) gbodo ni orisun tabi ona ti owo n gba wole;
c) gbodo je olokoowo karakata, omo egbe tabi egbe akosemose;
d) le je eni ti on da ise se (ise ara eni) tabi osise ile ise ti osise ibe ko to meta, yala won kowe gba a si enu ise tabi nipa oro enu lasan (ohun enu) ni osise bee gba wo agbo ise sise

Nje o seese pe ki enikan maa fi owo pamo si apo idawo ifeyinti miiran? ro ju eyokan lo

Ko seese. Apo idawo ifeyinti kan ni eniyan kan le ni ni OJO aye re.

Nje eni ti o wa l1enu ise kan ti o si ti ni akosile eto ifowopamo owo ifeyinti le kopa ninu ilana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje yi?

Rara o, enikeni t10 ti n dawo s1apo owo ifeyinti olorananyan ajoda laaarin osise ati agbanisise ko leto lati kopa ninu liana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje mo

Bawo ni mo se le ko1pa ninu ilana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Eni ti o kun oju osuwon le foruko sile nipase eyiikeyii awon ajo eleto akoso owo ifeyinti t’o wu u. Eni bee yoo gba foomu (form), yoo f’owo si foomu ,n’igba naa, yoo gba foomu ifowopamo (RSA) ti eta ifeyinti. Eni bee le f’oju han tabi ki o fi era ayelujara kese eta iforukosile ja.Leyin naa, yoo gba nomba (number) idanimo (PIN NUMBER)

Bawo ni mo se le mo ajo eleto olusakoso owo ifeyinti ti o wu mi?

Oruko ati adiresii (address) awon Olusakoso Owo lfeyinti ti ijoba fonte lu wa ni oju opo weebu lie ise ton sakoso eto ifeyinti gbogbo osiise ni Nigeria (PenCom)

Ta ni yoo maa se akoso ati amojuto eto idawo ifeyinti?

Alakooso ajo owo ifeyinti, ti an pe ni PFA ni yoo maa se kokari eto akoso ati ifowo ifeyinti sowo ni oruko awon ti won n kopa ninu eto ilana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje nigba ti olumojuto apo owo ifeyinti, ti an pe ni PFC yoo maa toju owo ati awon ohun ini miiran ti a fi owo ifeyinti ra lai si ifoya Kankan

Awon ilana wo ni igbimo alase eto ifeyinti ni nigeria la sile Iona ti owo t'o wa ni ikawo eleto idawo ifeyinti ko fi ni yingin?

Eto itopinpin ati idari t’o munadoko wa ti igbimo alase eto ifeyinti ni Nigeria la kale nipa titopinpin lojoojumo, ohun ini ati igbese ipinnu t’o n waye lori okoowo Eleto ldawo lfeyinti. lgbese naa yoo je ki gbogbo ipinnu ati idawole t’o ro mo eto yii wa labe ofin ati isediwon okoowo ti lgbimo Alakooso Eto lfeyinti la sile

Nje eto idaniloju kan wa lori ipese aabo awon ohun ini t'o wa l'abe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Bee ni ajo PFC, ti pese aabo t’o daju lori gbogbo ohun ti o wa ni ikawo re,koda, bi kobo ba poora, ajo naa yoo san an pada

Se ondawo le ti ipase iye owo fo ni ninu apo idawo ifeyinti ya ju iye owo t'o ni ninu idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ki o si maa san an pada diedie?

Ako faaye gba iru eto iyawo bee. Ondawo ko le ya koja iye ti o ni tori pe ofin Eto lfeyinti Alatununto Odun 2014 (PRA 2014) f’ofin de irufe iyawo bee?

Nje ondawo labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje le fi owo re fo wa ni akosile labe eto idawo ifeyinti se oniduuro ya owo?

Ko seese. A ko le fi owo to wa labe eto liana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje se oniduuro eto iyawo

Ona wo ni mo le gba dawo labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Nipa sisan owo taara si ile ifowopamo olokoowo tabi fifi ero ayelujara sanwo yala ni ile ifowopamo olokoowo tabi nipase awon asoju eto igboworin ni Ilana ti ile ifowopamo ijoba apapo (CBN) la sile.

lgba meloo ni eniyan le dawo labee ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

O le je ojoojumo, osoose, osoosu tabi bi o base r1orun fun eni ti o n dawo, leyi ti o gbodo wa ni ibamu pelu ofin igboworin ni Orile ede yi

Owo ti o kere julo ti eniyan le da labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Ako la iye kan pato sile, ti eniyan le fi bere eto idawo, ‘tori pe alara lo mo bi ohun ti fere tabi wuwo si. Sugbon ti owo eni ba po,o daju, bee ni owo ifeyinti olosoosu naa yoo se po si

Se iyato wa ninu ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ati eto ifowopamo si ile ifowopamo olokoowo?

Beeni, iyato wa laarin ilana ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje ati fifi owopamo si ile ifowopamo olokoowo. ldi ni pe, osoosu ni eni ti o n dawo s1apo ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje yoo maa gba owo bi eni ti on gba owo osu leyin ifeyinti lenu ise nigba ti ile lfowopamo Olokoowo le fun ni lowo nigbakuugba ti eni to ni owo ba ti nilo owo re

Nje mo le yan iru okoowo ti mo fe ki won fi owo mi se?

Rara, ko seese. Aja PFA nikan ni ofin faaye fun lati yan idi okoowo ti a le da owo ifeyinti si, ti o si gbodo wa ni ibamu pelu ofin ti igbimo Alase Eta lfeyinti ni Nigeria (PenCom) gbe kale lori fifi owoifeyinti se oko owo

Nje, won n yo owo ori ninu owo ti a da l'abe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje?

Rara o, gbogbo ere, ipinwo, oko owo, ele ati awon owo miiran to je yo lori owo to wa labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ko l’owo ori sisan ninu rara

Se owo ti a da ni abe ilana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje ni ere ninu?

Bee ni, o l’ere ninu. ajo PFA n fi gbogbo owo ti a da labe ilana idawo owo ifeyinti onipele kereje sowo. Ggbogbo ere t’o ba si ti ibe jeyo ni a maa fi kun owo ti eni ton kopa labe ilana idawo naa ti da..

Se ondawo le ti ipase iye owo fo ni ninu apo idawo ifeyinti ya ju iye owo t'o ni ninu idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ki o si maa san an pada diedie?

Ako faaye gba iru eto iyawo bee. Ondawo ko le ya koja iye ti o ni tori pe ofin Eto lfeyinti Alatununto Odun 2014 (PRA 2014) f’ofin de irufe iyawo bee?

Bawo ni mo se le ri owo mi ti o wa l'abe idawo ifeyinti ilana onipele kereje gba?

Ona meji ni ondawo labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje le ri owo re gba:

a) nipase gbigba owo ti isele ojiji tabi airotel, tabi pajawiri bade ba eniyan.
b) Gbigba owo ifeyinti.

Kini gbigba owo ni ojiji abi airotele?

Gbigba Iara owo ti a da sabe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ati ele t’o wale si ori owo ti a da nipase okoowo, nigba ti inawo ba fe’ju mo ondawo labe eta ifeyinti sugbon ti ondawo naa ko ti feyin ti lenu ise

Kini gbigba owo ifeyinti?

Gbigba owo ti ondawo labe eta ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje letoo si losoosu ti o ba ti feyint lenu ise, ni ilana ofin ati eta ti lgbimo Alakoso lfeyinti (PenCom) la sile.

Bawa ni mo se le gba owo fi gbo bukata airotele?

Ondawo le gba Iara owo re lati fi gbo bukata airotele nipa kiko iwe si ajo PFA gegebi a se la a sile.

Akoko wo ni eniyan gbodo fi d1aw o ki o to letoo si gbigba owo fi gbo bukata airotele?

Ondawo le gba Iara owo ti o da labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje l’eyin osu meta ti o bere sii da owo labe eta ifeyinti. L’eyin eyi, ondawo letoo si gbigba owo ni ekansoso l’ose ninu owo re t’o seku labe eta idawo naa

Yoo ti pe to kin to le gba ninu apo owo airotele?

A ti pa a lase fun awon ajo PFA pe ki won maa f 1ase si eta iyawo bee, ki won si san iye ti ondawo beere fun, o pe tan, laarin wakati mejidinlaaadota (48 hours) ti won gba iwe ibeere iyawo.

Kini o maa sele si ondawo labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje ti o ba ri ise olowo osu?

Ondawo, ti eta idawo re wa labe Ilana ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje,gbodo tete fi anfani ise sise ti o ri to Aja Alakooso Eta Owo lfeyinti leti.,ki won le yi eta ldawo re si ti alajoda ( eta idawo laaarin agbanisise ati osise.). Ondawo gbodo fi eta idawo re sile bi o se wa,ki won le yi eta re pada si Eta ldawo Alajoda laaarin awon agbanisise ati osise

Yoo ti pe to ki ondawo ifeyinti onipele kereje to feyin ti l1enu idawo?

Ondawo labe ilana idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje le feyinti lenu idawo ti o ba ti pe aadota odun (50 years), tabi ti o ba ni ailera ti ko si le se ise mo. Sugbon o, Ondawo le sun ojo ifeyinti re l1enu idawo koja aadota odun ti o ba fe

Bawo ni mo se le gba owo mi l'eyin ifeyinti?

Ti Ondawo ba ti feyinti,yoo bere si i gba owo ifeyinti yala nipase eta igbowo eleseese (PROGRAMED WITHDRAWAL) tabi nipa ilana adeun ti o se pelu ile ise madaamidofo (LIFE ANNUITY)

Kini programmed withdrawal?

Eta igbowo eleseese je irufe ilana owo sisan ti ondawo ilana ldawo lfeyinti Onipele Kereje fi maa n gba owo ifeyinti l1odo Aja PFA ni igba de igba, paapaa julo, ni osoosu tabi ni osu meta

Kini Annuity?

Eyi ni ona gbigba owo ifeyinti ni ipase ilana adeun ti Afeyinti se l1odo ile ise madaamidofo. Ona gbigba owo yii fun ondawo ni idaniloju gbigba owo ifeyinti re lore koore leyin ti o ti feyintilenu ise, niwon igba ti o ba wa laye

Odun meloo ni afeyinti ni liana madaamidofo ni idaju lati fi gba owo ifeyinti?

Odun mewaa (10 years) gbako ni afeyinti ni idaniloju pe ohun yoo fi ri owo ifeyinti gba lodo ile ise madamidofo leyin ti o ti feyinti lenu ise. Sugbon ti eni ti o ti feyinti ba ku ki odun mewaa to pe, awon ti o fi oruko won sile ninu iwe adeun eta lfeyinti re ni yoo gba owo fun iye odun to ku ki odun mewaa fi pe. Ti afeyinti ba wa ku leyin odun mewaa ti o tin gba owo ifeyinti labe ilana eta yii, awon molebi ko letoo si owo kankan mo ni gbigba

Nje mo le kopa ninu eto idawo ifeyinti l1enu ise onipele kereje ti mo ba ti feyinti n1ile ise olowo osu ti mowa?

Rara o, ko seese.sugbon a le yi eta idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje si Eta ldawo lfeyinti Alajoda olorananyan (idawo laaarin agbanisise ati osise).

Nje eto kan wa nile lori iye owo t'o ku,ti ondawo ilana idawo ifeyinti ba ku?

Ti olojo bade, awon ti won letoo gbigba owo ondawo (oloogbe) labe ofin ni yoo gba owo to ku nm1 apo ifowopamo oloogbe ni ado ajo PFA

Nje mo le kopa ninu eto idawo ifeyinti lenu ise onipe kereje ti mo ba feyinti ni ise olowo osu ti mo wa? ?

Rara o, ko seese.sugbon a le yi eta idawo ifeyinti onipele kereje si Eta ldawo lfeyinti Alajoda olorananyan (idawo laaarin agbanisise ati osise)

Tsawon wane lokaci mutum zai dauka yana zubin kudi kafin ya nemi karbar wani abu daga dkin kudin da ya tara?

Mai Adashen fansho na da ‘yancin neman a bashi wasu kudi daga ajiyarsa bayan watanni uku da fara ajiya. Daga bisani zai iya daukar wani abu a kowane mako, daga abinda yayi saura daga cikin abinda aka iyakance na gajerar kwasa bayan.

Yaya zan yigajerar kwasa?

Mutumin da ya shiga wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho na da damar karbar wani kaso na kudin da ya tara ta hanyar rubuta neman yin hakan a rubuce ga kamfanin fanshonsa bisa ka’ida.

To yaya ake karbar fansho a cikin wannan tsari?

Wannan na nufin karbar kudin fansho a wata-wata wanda aka shimfida shi akan dukkan kudin dake cikin asusun fansho a lokacin da mai adashen fanshon ya bar aiki kamar yadda ka’idojin amsar kudin fanshon suka shinfida.

Yaya zan mori ko amfana da abin da na zuba a cikin wannan tsarina Adashen Fansho?

Mutum na iya amfana ta hanyoyi biyu: na farko, ta hanyar gajerar kwasa. Watau zai iya dibar wani abu daga cikin asusun sa kafin yayi ritaya (ajiye aiki); na biyu kuma bayan ya bar aiki wato zai amshi fansho akan tsarin wata-wata

Ko wanda ke bin wannan tsarina Adashen Fansho zai iya rancen wani abu daga ajiyarsa da nufin ya biya kudin bayan wanilokaci?

Nan ma dai babu halin yin wannan ranee domin kuwa Dokar Fansho ta shekarar 2014 bata bada damar yin hakan ba.

Ko mai Adashen fansho na da damar yin jingina da asusunsa na Adashen Fansho domin ya nemi ranee a waniwuri?

Ko da wai! Doka bata yadda ayi amfani da kudin fansho ba a matsayin jingina domin amsar bashia waniwuri.

Da wane salon zubin kudi zan yi amfani a cikin wannan tsarina Adashen Fansho?

Lalie kana iya zubin kudi tsabar su,ko kayi taransfa,ta hanyar asusunka na banki zuwa na kamfanin fanshonka ko kuma ta duk wata hanya ko salon zuba kudi da babban bankin Najeriya ya tanada.

To yaya ake yin zubin kudi a cikin Adashen Fansho?

Mutum na iya zubi ko a kullum rana, ko a duk mako ko kuma duk wata-wata yadda duk ka zaba amma bisa sharuddan zubin ajiyar kudi kamar yadda dokar sarrafa kudi ta Najeriya ta tanada

Minene karancin kudin da zan rika zubawa a cikin tsarin Adashen Fansho ko wane wata?

Babu iyaka ko karancin zubin da mutum zai iya yi a cikin wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho. Dai-dai ruwa dai-dai tsaki kuma zabi ya rage ga mutum. ldan ka zuba kudi masu yawa,to fanshonka zai yi kauri.

To shin wai shi wannan tsari na Adashen fansho ya bambanta da yadda asusun ajiya na bankunan kasuwanci ke gudana?

Kwarai kuwa. lalle tsarin Adashen Fansho ya sha bamban da asusun ajiya na bankunan kasuwanci domin duk kudaden dake cikin wannan tsari sai wata­ wata ne kawai za’a iya dibarsu bayan mutum ya yi ritaya ko ajiye aikinsa, amma ka ga mutum na iya daukar kudin asusun ajiyarsa a duk lokacin da ya so, idan ajiyar a bankunan kasuwanci ne. Babban al’amari shine cewar shi Adashen Fansho, anayin sa ne domin mutum ya sami kudaden shiga bayan ya tsufa.

Ko ina da zabin irin yadda ya kamata a saraffa kudina wajen zuba jari??

Anan ma dai, a’a. kamfanonin fansho ne ke da alhaki da zabin inda za su saka jari bisa sharuddan da Hukumar Manhajar Fansho ta Najeriya ta ayyana.

Ko za a rika eire mani haraji daga kudin da na saka a wannan tsarina Adashen Fansho?

A’a, ko da wai! Bisa dukkan tsare-tsaren da Hukumar Manhajar Fansho ta yi, ba a eire harajin ko kobo daga cikin kudin da aka zuba cikin asusun fansho ko ribar da kudaden sukajawo.

Ta yaya ne ake iya samun riba ko karuwa akan kudin da aka zuba ta wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho?

Eh haka yake,tunda dama can su kamfanonin fansho (PFAs) suna saka jari ne da kuma jujjuya wadannan kudin adashen fansho, dukkan irin ribar da aka ci ta hanyar kasuwancin da suka yi ana raba ta ne ga masu rajista da tsarin

Ko akwai wani tsari na kariya bisa kudin jarin da aka zuba cikin wannan tsarina Adashen fansho?

Haka ne fa, kamfanin ajiyar kudin fansho (PFC) ya bada garanti da kariya ga duk kudaden dake cikin wannan tsari kuma zai dauki nauyin biyan duk asarar da aka yi ta hanyar batan kudin.

Wadanne shirye-shirye Hukumar Manhajar Fansho ta kasa ta yi domin tabbatar da cikakken tsaro na kudin Adashen Fansho?

Lalie akwai ingantaccen tsarin sa-ida wanda Hukumar Manhajar Fansho ta kasa ta tanada inda a kullum tana bin hada-hada da hannayen jarin da aka zuba wadannan kudi wanda kamfanonin fansho suke rike da su tomi tabattar da sewa suna yin komi bisa ka’idojin sarrafa kudi da zuba jari wadanda gwamnati ta amince da su.

Wanene ke da alhakin kula da kudaden Adashen fansho?

Duk kamfanin da ka zaba, shi ke da hakkin kula da kudaden adashenka, sannan kuma kamfanin ajiyar kudin fansho (Pension Fund Custodian – PFC) ke da alhakin ajiyar kudin da cikakkiyar amana

To a ina zan samu kamfanin fansho da nake so?

lallai kuwa akwai jerin sunayen kamfanonin fansho (PFAs) idan ka bude shafin Hukumar Manhajar Fansho ta kasa a intanet da wannan adireshin na:

To yaya ne zan shiga tsarin Adashen fansho (Micro Pension)?

Dukwanda ya cika sharuddan shiga wannan tsarin na iya zuwa kai tsaye ga kamfanin fansho (Pension Fund Administrator- PFA) wanda yake so, ya cika takardar fom na rajista domin shigar da shi cikin tsarin. ldan anyi masa rajista za a bashi lamba ta musamman wadda da ita za’a rika amfani da wurin dukkan hulda tsakanin shi da kamfanin fanshon daya zaba.

Ko ma'aikadn da ke dkin tsarin fansho na kasa, kuma yana da RSA zai iya shiga tsarin Adashen fansho?

A’a, doka bata yadda mutum ya shiga tsari guda biyu ba.

Shin mutum na iya mallakar Asusun ajiyar fansho (Retirement Savings Account- RSA) fiye da daya kuwa?

A’a, doka bata yadda da mallakar Asusun kudin fansho (RSA) fiye da daya ga kowa ba.

o su wane ne ka iya shiga wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho?

Mutum na cancanta ya shiga wannan tsari idan ya cika wadannan sharudda.
a) Ya kasance shi dan Najeriya ne kuma akalla ya kai

shekaru 18 da haihuwa.

b) Ya kasance ya na neman kudinsa ta hanyoyin da dokokin kasa suka yadda da su.

c) Ya kasance mutum na cikin wata kungiya ta masu sana’o’i ko aikin musamman

d) Ya kasance yana da wurin neman abinci ko kamfani ko masana’antar da ma’aikatanta basu kai mutane uku ba.

Menene bambancin fanshon ma'aikatan gwamnatida wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho?

Eh haka ne fa, ai dukkansu suna bisa tsarin fansho na adashen gata da gwamnatin tarayya ta tsara a shekarar 2004. Bambancin kawai ya rataya ne cewar adashen gata na ma’aikacin gwamnati ne shi kuwa adashen Fansho na mai cin gishin kansa ne.
Kaga dai shi tsarin fansho na ma’aikatan gwamnati
TllAS ne ga duk wanda gwamnati ko wata hukumar gwamnati ko hukuma mai zaman kanta ta dauka aiki ya bada wani kaso daga albashinsa a kowane wata domin zubawa a cikin asusun sana ajiyarfansho.
Shi kuwa na Adashen fansho (Micro Pension Plan) na
ganin dama ne kuma sai wanda ya shige shi zai rika zuba kudin da ya ga zai iya a cikin asusun sa na aJiyar fansho a kowane wata.

And nasarar wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho (Micro Pension) a wasu kasashe na duniya kuwa?

Sosai kuwa an samu gagarumar nasarar tsarina wasu kasashe kamar Ghana,Kenya da kuma lndiya.

Don me mutum zai shiga wannan tsarin na Adashen Fansho (Micro Pension)?

Eh, tabbas tsari ne mai fa’ida da tanadin gobe tunda yake an ce ‘AJIYA MAGANIN WATA RANA’. Lalle yana rage radadin talauci kuma ga shi da sauki tare da saukakewa.

Shi kuwa tsarin Adashen Fansho (Micro Pension Plan) yaya yake?

Wannan wani tsari ne na musamman a cikin tsarin fansho na kasa wanda ke bada dama ga ma’aikacin kashin-kansa wato wanda ba gwamnati ko wata hukuma yake yima aiki ba, ya rika tara kudade a hankali a hankali yadda zai karbi fanshonsa bayan ya daina aiki ko kuma a sanadin wata lalura

Me ake nufi da Fansho?

Fansho (Pension) dai wasu kudade ne da ake biyan ma’aikacin da ya yi ritaya ko ya ajiye aiki, a kowane wata a sanadin tsawon shekaru yana aiki ko lalurar rashin lafiya, da nufin tallafawa rayuwarsa a lokacin dayatsufa

Wane lokaci ake dauka kafin samun kudin da mutum ya bukata daga ajiyarsa

Cikin kwana biyu kacal daga lokacin da aka nemi ayi kwasa a rubuce zuwa ga kamfanin fansho domin biyan abunda aka bukata.

Me zai faru lokacin da mai Adashen Fansho wanda ya samu aikin gwamnati?

Duk wanda ke Adashen Fansho sai kuma ya samu aikin hukuma, to kai tsaye sai ya rubuta wa kamfanin fanshonsa domin a shigar da shi a cikin tsarin fansho da asusunsa domin yin zubin fanshon ma’aikatan hukuma

Shekaru nawa ne dan Adashen Fansho ke ritaya?

Wanda ke cikin wannan tsari na Adashen Fansho na ritaya ne idan ya kai shekaru hamsin (50) da haihuwa ko kuma a sanadin lalurar rashin lafiya. Sai dai kuma yana da zabin yaci gaba da yin zubi a cikin asusun shi ko bayan ya wuce shekara hamsin din. Watau ba sai ya bar aiki ba koda ya kai shekaru hamsin da haihuwa ko kuma ya wuce hakan

Bayan ritaya, ta yaya zan samu kudin da na ajiye nafansho?

Dan Adashen fansho zai karbi fansho ta hanyar tsararren kason fansho a wata-wata (Programmed Withdrawal) ko kuma ta bin tsarin inshora da zai bada fanshon wata-wata har zuwa karshen rayuwarsa (Life Annuity).

Yaya tsararren kason fansho (Programmed Withdrawal) yake?

Wannan salo ne na karbar kudi gutsure-gutsure daga hannun kamfanin fansho da ka yi rajista da shi ko dai dukwata-wata ko kuma bayan watanni uku-uku

Shi fa tsarin fanshon inshora na her kashen

Wannan salo ne na karbar kudin ajiyar dan Adashen Fansho ta hannun kamfanin lnshorar Kadara. Kuma tanadi ne mai tabbaci da zai ba da tabbacin samun fansho har iya rayuwa.

Minene tsawon lokacin Tabbaci ko Kariyaa tsarin lnshorar Kadara?

Lalie tabbacin mai lnshorar kadara ta ‘Life Annuity’ na kai tsawon shekara goma. ldan kuma mai Adashen Fansho ya fara amsar fansho bayan yayi ritaya to sai ya rasu kafin cika shekara 10 bayan ritayarsa,to za’a biya magadansa duk sauran hakkokinsa na fanshon da yayi saura har zuwa cikar shekaru goma. Idan kuma ya rasu ne bayan shekaru goma da ritayarsa to shi ke nan babu ko kobo da iyalansa zasu gada.

Yaya za a yi da sauran kudin da ke cikin asusun dan Adashen Fansho idan ya mutu?

ldan mutuwa ta faru, za’a biya sauran kudin ga magadansa kamar yadda ya bada a wasiyyar shi ko kuma kamar yadda yake rubuce a cikin takardar gudanar da gada daga Babbar Kotun Jihar da mamacin yake zaune ko kuma ta hannun wata kotu ko hukuma da ta umurchi kamfanin fanshonsa, a rubuce kai tsaye, cewar a biya magada kudaden dake cikin asunsun fansho na mamacin.

Ko ina iya shiga tsarin Adashen Fansho bayan na yi ritaya daga aikin gwamnati?

The new scheme is a contributory, fully funded, privately managed pension scheme that is based on individual accounts. It ensures that everyone who has worked receives his retirement benefits as and when due.

Gini bu owuwe ego egbomumkpa?

O bu iwepu ego site n’oke akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) ahu (ego a tukotara na nke e ritere n’uru n’ebe mbawanye ego) e mebere ka e si na ya ewepu ego iji nyere onye ntukoego na Micro Pension Plan aka igbo mkpa ego dakwasara ya tupu o ruo oge ezumike nka ya.

Kedu ka m ga-esi wee were ego n'akaynty nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) nke m n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan?

Onye ntukgego nwere ike iwere ego ole o nwere n’ime akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) ya site n’uzo abuo gunyere owuwe ego egbomumkpa na owuwe ego uru ezumike nka

Onye ntukvego enwere ike is n'akau.ntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) ya were ego ole karjrj ego o nwere na Micro Pension Plan ya rna kwychighaa ya mgbe nwaoge

Mba. Onye ntukoego agaghi enwe ike iwere ego kariri ego
ole o nwere n’akauntu Micro Pension Plan n’ihi na iwu mgbanwe penshonu 2014 gbochiri udi azumyahia ahu

Onye ntu,koego enwere ike iji akauntu Micro Pension Plan ya wee mere ngwa mbite ego

Mba. E nwegh1i ike ji akauntu Micro Pension Plan wee mere ngwa mbiteego?

Kedu ka m ga-esi me ntukotaego n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan?

nwere ike ime ntukotaego n’okpuru Micro Pension Plan site niikwunye ya n’okpurukpuego ma o bu nyefee ya n’ikuku igwe komputa (electronic transfer) site n’ebe ikwuugwo obula ma o by site n’aka ulooruego ndi ozo nwere nkwado uloaku etiti nke Naijiria (Central Bank of Nigeria)

Kedu, ugboro kwuru ugboro ole mmadu, nwere ike idi na-atukota ego n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan?

Itukota ego nwere ike ibu kwa ubochi, kwa izuuka, kwa onwamagbu_ etu gbulao siri dabara onye ntukoego. O gaadikwa n’okpuru ihe ndi a choro maka agbamama n’okpuru iwu metutara mbufu ego (Money Laundering Prohibition Act

Opekata mpe, ego ole ka onye ntvkqego nwere itukota n'okponu Micro Pension Plan?

O nweghi ego ole a ruturu aka na opekata mpe onye
ntukoego ga-atukota n’okpuru Micro Pension Plan n’ihi na o gbadoro ukwu n’ochicho obi nke onye na-atuko ego penshonuy ya nakwa etu akpa ya ha. Otu a, ntukota ego buru ibu ga-eme ka ego diukwuu maka penshonu.

Micro Pension Plan o djiche n'akay.ntv nchekwa ego nke ndjvlv aky azymahja na- edebe

Ee. Micro Pension Plan di iche n’akauntu nchekwa ego nke ndi uloaku azumahia na-edebe n’thi na ego nchekwa obula e wubere n’okpuru atumatu a bu nke e nwere ike iwere naani dika ugwo ezumike nka n’onwa n’onwa mgbe mmadzu lagoro ezumike nka. N’aka nke ozo, ego e chekwabara n’uloaku azumahia bu nke e nwere ike iwere oge obula mkpa ya putara

Enwere mike ikpebi ngwa ego nke ego m ty.kqtara ga­ abanyen'imeha?

Mba. Mkpebi banyere ebe a ga-etinye ego ka o bawanye diiri ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) dika ha na-agbaso iwu ntinye ego nke ndi National Pension Commission nyere

Ego m tukotara n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan o bu. nke a ga na-ana y.t ,ma ya?

Mba. N’igbado ukwu n’ukpuru nke Komishonu tuputara, ego mmuta obula, ego e kenyere, ndi e ritere, ndi e tinyere ebe o ga-abawanye na ego ndi ozo Micro Pension nwetara nakwa aku ya abughi nke a na-ana uty na ha

Akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka Micro Pension 9 na­ amy.ta ego?

Ee. Ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) na-etinye ego n’ebe o ga-abawanye ma kwunyekwa ego niile o mutara n’ime akauntu nchekwa ego Ezumike nka (RSA) nke onye tukotara ego ahu.

E nwere mwube na-ekwe nkwa nchekwa atvmaty, akv n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan

Ee. Ndi njikota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Custodian) eweputala nkwa zuru oke maka mkpokota aku ezumike nka n’okpuru njikota ya. Otu a, onye njikotaego ga-akwuchigha kobo obula furu efu.

Kedu uzo National Pension Commission wepy.tagoro maka nchekwaba ego dj n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan?

E nwere uzo nnyocha na nlekota nke atumatu a di ire, nke komishonu na-ahu maka ya site n’inyocha, kwa ubochi, mkpebi metutara atumatu aku na ntinye ego n’ebe o gaabawanye nke ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) mere 1ji hu na mkpebi ha sonyere n’usoro iwu na ukpuru nke komishonu.

Kedu. onye ga-ejikwa ma jlgfde ego a ty.kqtara n'okpuru Micro Pension Plan?

Ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator – PFA) na-ejikwa ma na-etinyekwa ego atukotara n’okpuru Micro Pension Plan n’oru, na nnochite anya nke onye ntukotaego, ebe ndi njikota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Custodian) na-edebe ya bu ego na aku n’ezi nchekwa

Kedu eme m ga-ahu ndi nlekqta ego ezumike nka (Pension FundAdministrator) ?

E nwere ike inweta aha na adreesi zuru oke banyere ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka niile site na websaiti nke National Pension Commission bu

Kedu ka m ga-esi sonye/deba aha na Micro Pension Plan?

Onye tozuru itukg ego na Micro Pension nwere ike isonye/ideba aha site na ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator – PFA) obula masiri ya, nweta ma dezuo akwukwo imepe akaunty nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) n’any ahu ma o bu igwe komputa. A ga-enyekwa onye debara aha ya dika onye ntukoego nomba njirimara puru iche (Personal Identification Number)

Onye no na ngalaba oru di n'okpuru iwu, bu onye nwegoro akaynty nchekwa ego ezumike nka (Retirement Savings Account - RSA) e nwere ike isonye na Micro Pension Plan?

Mba. Onye na-atuko ego n’okpuru nhazi penshonu a manyere n’iwu enweghi ike isonye na Micro Pension Plan

Mmadu o nwere ike inwe akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (Retirement Savings Account- RSA) karjrjotu??

Mba. Onye ntukoego (ezumike nka) ga-enwe naani otu akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (Retirement Savings Account – RSA)

Kedu onye nwere ike osonye na Micro Pension plan?

Onye ga-esonye na Micro Pension ga-aburir1:

a) Onye Najjiria ga-adi opekata mpe afo iri na asatg;
b) Nwere ebe e si akpata ego nke iwu kwadoro;
c) Buruonye otu azumahia/ ogbako/ arumoru; nakwa
d) Nwere ike iby onye oru nruruonwe ma o bu onyeoru n’ulooru nwere ndioru na-erughi ato, ndi nwere ma o bu ndi na-enweghi iwu nkwekorita banyere oru.

Atumatu Ntukota Penshonu (Contributory Pension Scheme - CPS) a manyere n'iwu 9 dj iche na Micro Pension Plan?

Penshonu a manyere n’twu nakwa Micro Pension Plan bunhazi di n’okpuru Atumatu
Ntukota Penshony (Contributory Pension Scheme – CPS). Naani ihe di iche n’etiti ha abuo bu udi ndi na-eme ha. Otu a, penshonu a manyere n’iwu bu iwu na onye-oru obula tozuru etozu nakwa onye owuwe onyeoru ga-atukorita ego maka akwumugwo penshonu nke onyeoru n’ezumike nka. Micro Pension n’aka nke ozo bu naani maka onye nwere mmasi na ya ma bury nke naani onye ahu naatukota ego na ya.

Micro Pension Plano meela nke vma na mba ndi ozo ga?

Ee, Micro Pension Plan emeela nke oma na mba dika Ghana, Kenyana India

Gjnj ka 9 ga eji buru Micro Pension?

Micro Pension na-ekwe nkwa nchekwa ndu n’odiniihu site n’twube akwumugwo kwamgbe kwamgbe n’oge ezumike nka. O na-ebelata ubiam oge nka, burukwa usoro di mfe, nke na-enweghi mgbakasi-ahu ma burukwa nke e nwere ike ituleghari mgbe obula

Gini by Micro Pension Plan?

Micro Pension Plan bu nhazi di n’okpuru Atumatu Ntukota Penshonu (Contributory Pension Scheme – CPS) nke naekwe ka ndi no n’oru nruruo nwe ma o bu ndi na-aru n’ulooru nwere ndi-oru na-erughi ato na-atukota ego maka mwube penshonu nke ha n’oge ezumike nka ha ma o bu n’oge ha agaghi enwezi ike iru oru.

Gini bu penshonu?

Penshonu bu ugwo a na-akwu kwamgbe kwamgbe, nke onye lara ezumike nka na-anata mgbe o kwusiri oru n’ihi na o ruola afo kwesiri ma 9 bu n’ihi ihe metutara ahu ike, ka o wee nwee iké lekota onwe ya anya na nka

Gini bu owuwe ego eznmike nka

O bu iwere ego site n’oke akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) ahu, nke onye ntukoego Micro Pension tozuru iwere n’udi ugwo onwa penshonu mgbe o lagoro ezumike nka, dika o siri di n’‘iwu nlekota ego ezumike nka na nke ikwusi oru n’ike

Kedu ka m ga-esi weputa oke ego egbornurnkpa nke rn?

Onye ntukoego Micro Pension ga-enwe ike isi n’oke ego egbomumkpa ya were ego site n’idegara ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) ya akwukwo n’usoro a maputara

Ogologo oge ole ka rnmady ga-atuk9 ego tupuo nwee ike iwere ego n'oke ego egbomymkpa

Onye ntukoego Micro Pension ga-etozu iwere ego n’oke ego egbomumkpa nke akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) ya ma o gachaa onwa ato ka mgbe o tukotara ego nke mby. Site oge ahu gawazie, O ga-enwe ike isi n’oke ego egbomumkpa nke akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) were ego, otu ugboro n’izuuka

Ogologo oge ole ka o na ewe-iji nata ego n'oke ego egbomumkpa m tutara?

E nyere ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) 1wu inye nkwado ma kwuo ego aririo ka e site n’oke ego egbomumkpa kwug, n’ime awa iri ano na asato e detere akwukwo maka iwere ego

Gini ka erne na onye ntukego Micro Pension nwete qry iwu kwadoro (formal employment)

Onye ntukgego Micro Pension obula nwetere oru iwu kwadoro ga-eme ka ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) ya mara maka igbanwe penshonu ya ka o buru nke a manyere n’1wu. Onye ntukoego Micro Pension ga-edebekwa akauntu nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) nke o nwere maka 1ji ya mere penshonu a manyere n’iwu.

Kedu afo ila ezumike nka nke onye ntukego Micro Penshionu?

Onye ntukoego Micro Pension ga-ala ezumike nka ka o gbara afo iri ise ma o by n’ihi nsogbu ahuike. Ka o sila di, onye ntukgego Micro Pension ga-enwe ike iweli afo ila ezumike nka yaka o gafee afo ise ma o masi ya

Kedu ka m ga-esi nweta ego m ntukotara ma m lachaa ezumike nka?

Ozigbo onye ntukoego Micro Pension lara ezumike nka, o ga-enwe ike inweta ego ezumike nka ya site n’owuweego na nzube (Programmed Withdrawal) ma o bu site na ndu anuiti (Life Annuity)

Gini bu, owuweego na nzube?

Owuweego na nzube bu usoro owuwe ego ebe onye Micro Pension lara ezumike nka na-anara penshonu site na ndi nlekota ego ezumike nka (Pension Fund Administrator) n’oge ndi a maputara, ya bu n’onwa n’onwa ma o bu mgbe obula o gafere onwa ang.

Gini bu Anuiti?

Anuiti by usoro onye lara ezumike nka si anata penshonu site n’akwukwo nkwekorita 0 zutara n’aka ulooru laifu inshoransi (Life Insurance Company). O na-ekwe nkwa akwumuugwo penshonu na nkejioge na nkejioge nye onye lara ezumike nka, na ndy ya niile o no na-ezumike nka.

Ogologo oge ole ka nkwa any,iti na-ano

Nkwa ndu anuiti maka onye lara ezumike nka na-ano afo iri. Otu a, o buru na onye lara ezumike nka nwuo tupu afo iri, ego foduru ma agbakoo penshonu ya n’onwa n’onwa ka o wee ruo afo iri foduru ka a ga-akwu ndi ndabe ya. O burukwanu na onye lara ezumike nka nwuo mgbe afo iri e kwere na nkwa gachara, 0 nweghi ihe a ga-akwu ndi ndabe ya

Gini ga-eme ego n'akaontu. nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) nke onye ntukoego Micro Pension mao burunaonwuo?

Ego foduru n’akaunty nchekwa ego ezumike nka (RSA) nke onye ntukgego Micro Pension ka a ga-akwu ndi iwu kwadoro iby ndi nketa aku ya ma o nwug, dika akwukwo ochichg-obi (Will) ma o bu akwukwo nlekota nke Probate Registry nyere siri rutu aka, ma o bu dika uloikpe steeti onye ntukoego nwuru anwu siri kwuo, etu obula si kwesi di.

Enwere m ike isonye na Micro Pension Plan ma o buru na m laa ezumike nka n'ebe m na-aru oru a manyere n'iwu?

Mba. Micro Pension Plan na-nabata naani ntughari site isi na Micro Pension Plan gafee na Mandatory Contributory Penshonu.

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