Plot 1698 C & D Oyin Jolayemi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos
Mon - Fri : 08:00 - 17:00


Our Main Services

Experience in Pension Fund management and Administration which encompasses a broad range of business serivces and a sound pedigree in Investment and Asset Management
We are Solutions Driven

What We Do

Veritas Glanvills Pensions is involved in the provision of pension advisory services to companies, institutions both private and public, Retirement Savings Accounts Holders as well as Retirees seeking information and guidance on Retirement & Personal Financial Planning and the implementation of Pension Reform Acts 2014.

We Open a Retirement Savings Account
We open a retirement savings account for each contributor and ensure that a personal identity number (PIN) is given from the PenCom National Data Bank.

We Invest and Manage Contributions
We invest and manage contributions to maximize growth of the pension funds and assets in accordance with the investment guidelines stated in the Pension Reform Act.

We provide a 24/7 Customer Service Support
We provide a 24/7 customer service support which enables contributors to have access to their account balances and Statements of Account instantaneously.

For Programmed Monthly/Quarterly Benefits
For programmed monthly/quarterly benefits, we calculate actuarially, the retirement benefits and ensure the prompt payment of retirement & survivor pension benefits as stipulated in the Act.

We Maintain Transparent Book
We maintain transparent book of accounts and provide regular information on our investment strategy, and market returns to employees/beneficiaries and the regulatory authorities.


I am very pleased with your everything VGpension has done for me and my team, we are surely secure for the future, thank you VGpensions

Sani Sule Yamel

Criminal Lawyer

Since I retired i have received my pension on time on the 28 of every month and on days where it would fall on holiday or weekends VGpension makes sure i get my funds

Moses Olaogun

School Teacher

I’m writing to express my profound and uncommon appreciation to Veritas Glanvills pensions for rendering me excellent service.If other pension companies could borrow a leaf from the unique excellent service of Veritas Glanvills Pensions.

Tope Oluwole

Production Manager

Thank you so much VGP.

Your services are world class!

Alaribe Jonathan

Dear VG pensions thumbs up for always keeping me abreast on my pension account.

Babatunde Ruth

UBA Pensions

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